Visimation's GIS Data Import for Microsoft MapPoint® imports ESRI® ShapeFiles and MapInfo® MIF files.files in the World Geodetic System 1984 format, commonly known as WGS 84. This is the only coordinate system that MapPoint understands. The latest version of GIS Data Import for Microsoft MapPoint will convert from other local coordinate systems on the fly if the .shp file is accompanied by a .prj file that identifies the coordinate system in which the import file has been saved. GIS Data Import for Microsoft MapPoint will also import files that are already in WGS 84. If a valid .prj file does not exist, or if the import file is not in WGS 84, the tool will display an error stating that the data are not in the proper coordinate system.
ESRI ArcView® can produce data in WGS 84 which you can then import into MapPoint using GIS Data Import for Microsoft MapPoint. If you receive an error when attempting to import a ShapeFile, use the following steps:
For ArcView 8.0 or 9.0, go the "Arc Catalog" application and open the toolbox. One of the tools under the "Projections & Transformations" tree is Feature=>Project.
Select the shapefile you want to change under the "Input Dataset or Feature Class" prompt.
ArcView will automatically choose a name & location for the new feature class, but that can be modified in the "Output Dataset or Feature Class" prompt.
In the "Output Coordinate System" prompt, the user can choose from a number of different projections, including the WGS84 (select Geographic Coordinate Systems=>World=>WGS 1984.prj)
Once again, note that GIS Data Import for Microsoft MapPoint will allow ShapeFiles to be imported that are referenced to any world datum, but MapPoint only supports WGS 84. If you notice that the imported shapes are not in the exact locations they should be, make sure the ShapeFiles are referenced to WGS 84.